Dikran Iskenderian has a Bachelor of Science degree in Management and a Master of Arts in Leadership from Woodbury University.
He studied in the United Kingdom at Oxford University where he obtained a Certificate in Global Enterprise Management, Organizations, Environments, and Political Economy in 2003. Later he received a professional Certificate in Marketing from UCLA, which was earned with distinction.
He co-owns Zankou Chicken with his family. They have 8 locations and continue to grow. He is the Director of Marketing, having helped to create the 50th anniversary logo and its now iconic design as well as the company’s website and catering menu. He currently runs the restaurant chain’s marketing department and social media campaign.
Dikran is also an amateur painter. He loves graphic design, meddling in traditional media such as acrylic, charcoal, and oil. His hobbies include creating fine-art style photo albums.
Watch for Dikran’s next book, tentatively titled Restaurant Marketing: The Secret is in the Sauce, available in 2016. Based on his 25 years of experience working in the field, it promises to save future restaurateurs time and money.
He loves teaching and speaking. This is his first book. Follow him on Twitter at: RM Expert and on Facebook at: Dikran Iskenderian (business person).
www.dikraniskenderian.com www.therestaurantmarketingexpert.com www.zankouchicken.com
Whatever your hand finds to do,
do it with all your might,
for in the realm of the dead, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning
nor knowledge nor wisdom.
~Ecclesiastes 9:10