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Deborah Freeman

Deborah Freeman believes, “When praise goes up, blessings come down!” and her successful, 20-year career in finance is proof enough that her beliefs are sound. Deborah has been a financial advisor with major players of the financial world Merrill Lynch and Morgan Stanley as well as an engineer with computer giant IBM. Deborah received her Bachelor’s Degree in Finance from the University of Memphis and her MBA from Christian Brothers University. Recently, Deborah has incorporated her education, business acumen and faith into her inspiring, professional speaking series called “Use God and Win!” She has also launched Praise God Jewelry™, a unique and inspired jewelry line. Inspired by Godly women like Beth Moore, Deborah quiets skeptics who believe that faith and business are incongruous. Her faith has been a basis for her continued success evidenced by her awards. During her financial career, Deborah received the “Rookie of the Year” award from Merrill Lynch. In addition, IBM selected her for a special project in England during her tenure with the company. A native of Brownsville, Tennessee and still a Tennessee resident, Deborah is committed to volunteerism by having served on her local community’s City Beautification Commission. She is a volunteer tutor for ESL, English as Second Language, and attended a mission trip to Cambodia where she sought to advance the language skills of resident nationals. Deborah, much like her Biblical judge counterpart, is a strong woman of even stronger faith. She credits her recent trip to Israel for inspiring her chapter. Contact Deborah at: [email protected]