Deb Cheslow is a two-time best-selling author, speaker, corporate trainer, and peak performance strategist who has spent her entire life defying the odds to achieve goals that should not have been possible from any logical viewpoint. She is regularly sought out by the media for her perspective on achieving breakaway success in business and in life. Deb has been seen on NBC, ABC, CBS and FOX affiliates, as well as in Newsweek, Reuters, The Boston Globe, The Miami Herald, Yahoo Finance and MarketWatch.com, among many others.
Famous for her no-nonsense, results-oriented style, Deb is known for asking the question, “Where would your life be if every time you said ‘I Should…,’ you actually DID?” She shares a systemized strategy for achieving success beyond your wildest dreams that is based upon four foundational pillars – discipline, accountability, standards and systems. Deb teaches a process for looking fear in the face and then acting in spite of that fear. She has lived a remarkably courageous life and now views it as her mission to share the strategies she has used (and continues to use) to create incredible success in her own personal and professional life with individuals, teams, organizations and companies so they can do the same.
To learn more about Deb Cheslow, her transformational programs and services, and receive her free Special Report “The Five Most Important Things You MUST Do To Achieve Any Goal,” visit www.debcheslow.com or call (386) 308-2155.