David A. Thomas, MD is an Eagle Scout and a Board
Certified anesthesiologist who practiced for 12 years at
Jewish Hospital in Louisville, KY and “retired” from that
in 2006 and has been a full time investor since then. He
grew up in a family that was a buy and hold real estate
investment family – working his way through high school, college and medical
school by working on his parents’ rental property.
David decided in high school to invest in real estate for the long term and
to use a medical practice as a springboard for this. His first investment in
real estate was in 1986 during medical school – investing in a duplex with
his parents. David and his young family lived in one unit, and he helped his
father convert the attic to a one-bedroom apartment. The fuse had been lit.
Later, he and his wife Becky have owned and managed as many as 105
apartments, townhouses, condos, and houses at one time. David and Becky
have four daughter who worked on their rental properties just as he had
done with his parents.
Dr. Dave, as he in known, has appeared in Business First, and is a real
estate coach and speaker sharing the stage with gurus Ron LeGrand and
Jeff Kaller. He is an active member of the Kentuckiana Real Estate Investor’s
Association (KREIA), giving presentations on Low Income Tax Credit Projects
and Short Sales. He has hosted a number of the nationally acclaimed Learn
On The Site (LOTS) Programs for KREIA. See KREIA.com for details.
Dr. Dave can be contacted at
[email protected]