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Christina Skytt

Christina Skytt is #1 International Bestselling Author, inspirational speaker and founder of the Power Goals Academy, with twenty years in international business and more than ten years as a top executive coach. She has developed a specific methodology and results-oriented activities to help people take on greater challenges and produce breakthrough results. Her proven formula for success reached global acclaim with her international bestseller, Power Goals™: 9 clear steps to Achieving Life-Changing Goals. This book contains proven principles for success used by top achievers from all walks of life. Christina guides her clients though the nine-step process that includes mapping out the starting-point, setting powerful goals, creating a vision, addressing your pre-programming, assembling a supportive team, taking action, maintaining a positive attitude, handling turbulent situations, and not forgetting to celebrate the achievement of your Power Goals. As a speaker, Christina has conducted a large number of keynote speeches, workshops and seminars and has made many presentations on topics such as Success Principles, Power Goals, Positive habits, behaviors and choises as well as International Marketing. Christina is a graduate of Stockholm School of Economics and Business Administration with a master’s degree in International Business and Marketing. She is one of the earliest champions of top level coaching worldwide. Christina is recognized as a top trainer for her unique approach to serving her clients. She has been personally mentored by Bob Proctor, Jack Canfield, Mark-Victor Hansen, and Peggy McColl, to be the next generation leader in personal development. You can connect with Christina at: [email protected] www.facebook.com/Powergoalsacademy For additional details on how to bring Christina to your next meeting, please call: +46 (709)66 44 60 (direct)