President Obama, Princess Grace, Ralph Lauren, Phil Collins, Steve Jobs, Tom Cruise, Steve Martin and Oprah...What does Chad Celi have in common with these celebrities? Chad Celi and Steve Martin are both members of MENSA, the international high IQ society. Chad was the first non-celebrity to receive the
FAB Award of Excellence; past recipients include Princess Grace and Liza Minnelli. Both Chad and Oprah have walked on fire with Tony Robbins. Chad Celi and Bill Gates both decided to drop out of college to pursue their dreams. During the world premiere of The Others, Chad interviewed Tom Cruise on the red carpet. Similar to Ralph Lauren, Chad has also had a cover feature in VOGUE magazine. While taping the Maurizio Costanzo Show in Italy, Chad Celi shared the stage with Phil Collins and Alanis Morissette. President Obama did receive more on-air time, however, Chad has also been interviewed by Matt Lauer on NBC’s The Today Show.
In 2009, Chad founded Reset Strategies based on a dramatic trend happening in the market: the death of traditional marketing. He noticed old marketing methods and approaches were no longer generating enough ROI and formed his company to help businesses “reset” their marketing strategies. Reset Strategies helps businesses grow without traditional advertising and they guarantee a 3 to 1 Return On Investment. Reset Strategies is based in Louisville, Kentucky. Chad Celi and his “reset” approach have been seen nationally on NBC, ABC, CBS and FOX affiliates and seen in Fast Company, Entrepreneur, Inc., and The Wall Street Journal (www.ResetStrategies.com).
Chad is happily married to his wife Stacy, and together, they are proud co-creators of three energetic children.