Brian Combs is a professional speaker, coach, master
trainer, real estate investor and franchise owner. Organizations
across the country employ Brian because of
his energetic and passionate way of delivering invaluable
techniques and strategies – which literally cause
overnight transformations in people and entire companies. Brian has the
unique ability to bring a room to tears or laughter while keeping learning and
implementing both fun and attainable. Brian’s energy and passion for life
and helping others is infectious. Anyone who spends time with Brian feels
and believes they can accomplish anything they desire in life or business.
To get more information about Brian, go to: www.BrianCombs.com or contact
him directly at 360-882-2867.
Reference Letter:
I come from 22 years of high-level management and sales with two Fortune
100 companies (Johnson & Johnson and Gillette). Brian Combs was my real
estate coach and I was meeting with him after I had heard him speak at a
large gathering in the Portland/Vancouver Metroplex. I could not quit thinking
of his presentation. It finally occurred to me that Brian had missed his true
calling. He was not meant to be in Real Estate at all! His whole life has been
preparing him for public speaking. The creativity he had to apply messages
to the room was filled with pure brilliance. Very quick on his feet thinking. I do
not say that lightly. After 22 years of corporate training, I have heard many of
the best speakers out there from Ziglar to Robbins and those in-between. I
have forgotten more than most have been exposed to. Not Brian, I continue to
marvel at the way he could mold a story and make it memorable.
The next time I met with Brian I said to him, “Brian, you know my corporate
background; I have heard the best of the best when it comes to
speakers and you are as good as or better than any of them. You belong
on a stage.” I do not get impressed easily. I have surrounded myself with
many incredibly talented individuals and worked with some great Dream
Teams. I believe the really great speakers are those that have a passion
for what they believe in and walk-the-walk, not just talk-the-talk. Brian
speaks and it is hard to find the words to describe the profound impact
he has on individuals. He is a gift to all of us fortunate enough to hear him.
With my highest regards, Patty Bright