Brian Bott is a 2003 Graduate of Rutgers University and earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Exercise Physiology with High Honors. Brian has helped a tremendous amount of clients over the last ten years realize their full potential in achieving their health and fitness goals. Constantly refining and improving his techniques in all aspects of training, coaching, nutrition and personal assessment has brought Brian to the program he now utilizes at Shore Results located in Atlantic Highlands NJ. This program was responsible for producing nearly 500lbs of fat loss in Shore Result’s latest transformation challenge. Brian holds two Elite Powerlifting totals in the AAPF with personal best lifts of a 725lb squat, 455 bench, and 585 deadlift. He now competes in bodybuilding and recently finished 2nd in the lightweight division of his first competition in the INBF. Brian can be reached for coaching at his gym, Shore Results, located in Atlantic Highlands NJ or via his website at www.brianbott.com or www.shore-results.com