Bobby Kelly is a 20+ year veteran of the fitness industry. As a
highly sought after strength, speed, & conditioning coach, personal
trainer, motivational speaker and consultant, Bobby takes
his role as catalyst coach very seriously. His goal is to ignite a
change in people’s perspective on life, health and wellness within
minutes of stepping on a stage or meeting one-on-one.
Bobby owns and directs Results Only, a cutting-edge performance center focusing
on teaching clients simple and effective ways to reach their full potential in all walks
of life. He has created numerous DVD programs and products including his latest
book and exercise and nutrition program, The Solution. Bobby has a unique ability
for pulling out a higher level of passion, commitment, focus, and development from
his clients and audiences. It has been said that working with Bobby is like “riding an
extremely fast-paced and spiraling roller coaster, holding onto the seat of your pants
the whole time, only to get off ready to climb right back on again.”
Bobby connects and empowers people through fitness and health, engaging each
participant to strive to be the best and transform their life. His goal-setting techniques
as well as ability to deliver energy and enthusiasm are arguably his best attributes
as a coach.
Bobby graduated from the University of Maryland with a Bachelor of Science degree
and is a Certified Personal Trainer. Bobby has been interviewed, featured, and utilized
as an expert advisor on CNN, Fox News, ABC, NBC, and CBS as well as local affiliate
stations in numerous markets. He has been interviewed or featured as an expert in
The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Arizona Republic, Golf-
World, GolfOnline, The Washingtonian, and Prevention Magazine to name just a few.
He has had the luxury to train and work with people from all walks of life including
elite athletes, CEO’s of Fortune 500 Companies, members of the Department of
Commerce, and the President of the United States. Results Only and Bobby have
been named Fitness Facility and Trainer of the Year in Phoenix multiple times.