Bernard Walter is a best-selling author, a former monk, a former assistant district attorney in San Francisco specializing in prosecuting pimps, and now an attorney in private practice in California, Nevada and Pennsylvania, serving business clients, personal injury plaintiffs, the elderly and their families, and the public by trying always “to do the right thing.”
In 1996, he started the legal side of a free medical/legal-aid clinic that has been serving the poor and disadvantaged virtually every Friday evening since then.
In 2003, concerned about the quality of legal services being provided to the elderly and their families in Luzerne County, Bernard founded the Elder Law Committee of the local Bar Association and served as its chairman for many years. He is now a member of the Elder Abuse Task Force, working to prevent and remedy the abuse of the elderly in Northeast Pennsylvania.
In 2006, working with the Building Industry Association and the Better Business Bureau, he created an attorney-less, user-friendly, fast and economical dispute resolution program for building contractors and their customers.
In 2007, he and several friends started Generation to Generation, a nonprofit corporation that studies ways to enhance communication between generations.
In 2011, he began working on a career mentoring project for k-12 students and found friends in the local school board and administration to integrate aptitude testing of students, counseling for career options matching those talents, mentoring relevant to career choices, etc. That project now includes a new senior project required before graduation: an individual half-hour oral presentation to teachers and local citizens on “My Career, Why and How” so students have good reason to learn in preparation for meaningful career paths awaiting them when they graduate to do the right things with their lives.
Dedicated to doing the right thing in his work, completing tasks as quickly, fairly and economically as possible, he now focuses on estate planning and estate administration where the estate attorney’s primary duty is to serve the interests of justice in following the decedent’s directions while honoring the decedent and enhancing relations between family members and beneficiaries as much as possible. The estate counsel needs to be the person everyone can trust to do the right thing.
He would welcome your suggestions and comments regarding:
1. How you recognize and do the right thing;
2. The keys you use to achieve your success;
3. How you tame ego-centered “self-interest” in favor of win-win strategies; and
4. Your thoughts, pro and con, relative to the American Bar Association affirming
Attorney’s affirmative duty to serve the interests of justice.
Contact Information:
Law Offices of Bernard Walter
1674 Memorial Highway
Shavertown, PA 18708-1498
(570) 674-9000
[email protected]
Website: walter-law.com