Benjamin W. Glass, III is a nationally recognized board certified personal injury, medical malpractice and disability insurance attorney in Fairfax, Virginia. He graduated from George Mason University School of Law in 1983 and has devoted his career to representing individuals against the insurance companies.
Mr. Glass is a much sought after speaker and author and has been featured in or quoted by TRIAL magazine, The Washington Post, Washington Post Magazine, Newsweek, USA Today, ABC News Online, Wall Street Journal and “The Next Big Thing” Radio Show. Mr. Glass has been interviewed on television, including the stations, ABC, NBC, Fox and Cox, as well as the show, “Leading Experts TV.”
Mr. Glass is the author of over ten books including his controversial book The Truth About Lawyer Advertising (available on Amazon.com). His best-selling consumer books include:
Robbery Without A Gun –Why Your Employer’s Long-Term Disability Policy May be a Sham (RobberyWithoutAGun.com)
Five Deadly Sins That Can Wreck Your Injury Claim (TheAccidentBook.com)
Why Most Medical Malpractice Victims Never Recover a Dime (TheMalpracticeBook.com)Don’t Gamble With Your Social Security Disability Benefits: What Every Virginia Resident Needs to Know To Win Their Social Security Disability Case (TheSocialSecurityBook.com)
The Truth About Lawyer Advertising (TheTruthAboutLawyerAdvertising.com)
The Ultimate Success Secret (Ultimate-Success-Secret.com)
Carry Your Own Leash: The Entrepreneurs Guide to Autonomy and Success (CarryYourOwnLeash.com)
In addition to the above websites, you can find Ben Glass at the
following websites:
Follow Ben Glass on Facebook at Facebook.com/LiveLifeVeryBig and on Twitter at Twitter.com/BenGlass