Barbara Batt is a small business mentor, a respected expert in
small business marketing, accomplished graphic designer, author
and motivational speaker. Barbara is the owner and founder
of U Creative Group™ and most recently launched a new initiative
at www.BarbaraBatt.com that promotes a vibrant new vision
for American business, where scarcity and competition—which
formed the old engine of prosperity—are replaced with a much more efficient and
powerful catalyst: a fusion of abundance mentality, cooperation and compassion. Barbara
is dedicated to helping solo entrepreneurs and small business owners break
through the barriers that keep them playing small, so that they can fulfill their responsibility
of creating abundance for themselves and their stakeholders. Connecting
these revolutionary business owners and empowering them to make a difference is
Barbara’s ultimate goal.
To learn more about Barbara Batt and how you can receive the free action guide
“Small Business Owners: How to Turn Your Business Around in 90 Days,” visit: