Name: Azhar Khan
City: Gold Coast
Company: Sabistar Pty Ltd
Website: www.azharkhan.me
Azhar is a solutions and media architect, international speaker, consultant,
mentor and coach, with diverse experience in many industry sectors. For
over 20 years he has built a valuable repertoire of knowledge that combines
with his technical skillset and competencies for training and leadership
Born in Zimbabwe, Africa in 1971, he began his own publishing company at
the age of 24, which later developed into an advertising agency that worked
with blue chip corporate companies and developing communities in 3rd
world countries. He continues to create solutions for businesses and nongovernmental
His strength lies in understanding business on a global scale, combined
with creative, technical and production skills. He seamlessly integrates customer
journeys with highly enriched user experiences to build vision and
purpose to any project. He understands the complexity of technology along
with global business and simplifies the jargon in a way that leads to the successful
execution of strategies, tactics and business plans.
Azhar moved to Australia in 2001 and spent over 10 years researching personal
development, NLP and achievement technologies, discovering how
they influence mass communication. During this time, he extended his
entrepreneurial skills to magazine publishing and web development in the
tourism industry. In 2006/7 he spent time in Dubai discovering global focus
areas for consumers and how new modern global cultural centers will influence
global change in the future.
His dedication to technology and its uses has enabled him to present, and work
with, Fortune 500 companies, governments and individuals around the globe.
Azhar is also a Certified Master Practitioner in Neuro Linguistic Programming
and Neurological Re-patterning. He is a Demartini Method ™ Facilita148
tor for Groups and and is a Certified Performance and Results Coach.
Website contact: http://www.azharkhan.me