Angelika Christie
Angelika was born in Germany right after World War II, and moved to the Bahamas in 1978, where she lives with her Bahamian husband. Although she is blessed with 5 children (and 8 grand children), she only sees them now occasionally, since they are all grown and left the nest.
Angelika studied mystical teachings and health sciences for the last 25 years. She studied with many teachers in the health and energy medicine field. Her thirst for knowledge brought a wide horizon of possibilities into her field of awareness, together with a large toolbox of modalities and applications. She is an ND, a Nutritional Therapist, a Reiki Master Teacher (for 18 years), a Hypnotherapist, a Writer and Speaker on Health issues, a Coach, a Yoga teacher, and an avid reader of books related to the New Quantum Science of Biology and Spirituality.
Angelika loves the works of Gregg Braden and Dr. Bruce Lipton. Recently, she studies “Evolutionary Life Transformation” with Craig Hamilton.
She is the Author of “Your Intelligent Cell” and co-author of 2 other books, which will be available later this year. She teaches meditation and programs on how to live your best life after 45 and create the life you chose to live.
All of her activities -- her health articles in the local newspaper, the radio shows on health issues, her speaking presentations to Service Clubs and Medical Discussion Panels -- all were stepping stones to what she brings forward now and in the future.
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