Anastasia has been an internationally active research scientist and
professor for nearly 40 years. Her 50-plus original research articles
and book chapters appear in top journals and periodicals that are
housed in libraries all over the world. Armed with her doctorate in
chemistry and her research experience, she solved several of her
own health crises without resorting to side-effect-laden medication.
After wading through the plethora of anecdotal evidence and misinformation, she
found that much of the advice is ineffectual. Getting to the truth required reading
original reports and testing first herself and then reporting this to others, many of who
also got the relief they needed. The methods work. She originally reported the results
in a series of articles and has now written her first books: Get Rid of Bad Cholesterol,
Get Rid of Bad Cholesterol Guide, and 50 Tips for Getting and Staying Healthy While
Super Busy.
Her health program is a holistic, five-step plan, including more than just diet but also
lifestyle habits that are powerful for promoting good health, from youth to middle age
to retirement and beyond. The program serves to not only lower cholesterol but also
helps lower blood pressure, burn off body fat, improve brain function, and improve
overall health and vitality. She teaches you how to take control of your health without
spending all day cooking or exercising. She lives the plan, fitting it into her full and
busy life, both at home and while on the road.
Prof. Chopelas received her MS from Caltech and her Ph.D. from UCLA. She has
worked in all venues for scientists, private industry, research institutes, universities,
and is now owner of Embrace Your Vitality. She speaks two languages fluently: Greek
from her heritage and German from her 13-year residence in Germany. She loves to
draw, paint and take photographs. You’ll find her artwork and photos on her websites
www.embraceyourvitality.com and www.getridofbadcholesterol.com.