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Alex Romp

Alex Romp is the President of Artech Solutions, Inc., an IT consulting firm located in West Des Moines, Iowa, that helps local businesses solve IT challenges and make their infrastructure support their businesses. Like many other Managed Service Providers, Artech began as a simple break-fix company, but Alex quickly realized how the Managed Service model was the future because of the great benefits it provided to his clients. Artech’s focus is primarily on managed IT services and network consulting. It has always been a service company first and foremost, and didn’t push product sales to its clients unless it was something that would benefit the client. Alex puts his customers and employees first and he teaches his employees that customer service is the primary function of their jobs. Too often IT people are seen as arrogant individuals who talk down to nontechnical people. Alex reminds them that the clients they’re serving are probably a lot better at what they do than the technical person would be. Alex has been working on networks since he was 11 years old – where he taught himself how networks run while he helped his father’s accounting business manage their Novell NetWare system. He helped his high school and many other businesses enter the age of the Internet over the past 25 years. Prior to Artech, Alex was the youngest Network Engineer at his previous job from the day he started until the day he left. He spent several years in that company and quickly climbed the ranks to become the Senior Network Engineer and the service department manager. In that position he learned a lot about businesses and technology and eventually left to start his own company in 2002. Alex is driven to solve any problem that comes his way and has a passion for teaching others how to use technology to advance their businesses. With a family background in accounting, he understands the language of business and the numbers that drive it. He can help make your business IT infrastructure into the asset it’s meant to be, instead of just another cost center. Away from the office, Alex enjoys spending time with his wife and children. He often spends weekends working with the animals on their family farm or working on some other project that life on a small farm requires, from updating the electric in the barn to fixing fences. Alex likes sharing his passion for the outdoors with his family as well as his hobbies like camping, hiking and photography. You can connect with Alex at: [email protected] www.linkedin.com/in/alexromp