Adam Walker is making a name for himself as a “man on a mission” and the UK’s Key Speaker on Youth Conditioning, Sports Performance and Success. Fusing his knowledge of Education, Nutrition, Training and Sport in a way that has not been achieved before.
He founded the Sport Speed Academy in 2007, and continues this work with sports teams and individuals of all ages. Specialising in the development of athletic power output and speed capacity. This has included international, Olympic, Paralympic and Commonwealth medal winning sportspeople from a variety of disciplines. Visit www.SportSpeedAcademy.com to get fast and win more!
He formed the UK Youth Conditioning Association (UKYCA) in 2010 with key experts coming together with a common goal. The UKYCA runs courses educating parents, teachers, trainers, coaches and students on youth conditioning. The UKYCA is the first and only organization focused purely on youth conditioning in the UK. It acts as a resource and community for passionate, dedicated individuals who are involved with the U/18 population, to enhance, discover and share best practice whatever country you are from. Visit www.UKYCA.com to join the family.
Adam currently lectures in Sport, travels the world learning, speaking at events and has authored his own book expanding on the chapter written here for the New Rules of Success. “FitKiD FATKiD” is due for worldwide release late 2013 and you can get a limited free copy here at www.Fitkidbook.com.
Adam graduated from Loughborough University, competed internationally as an athlete for over a decade. Following a nasty Polevault accident in 2008 he then bounced back to 2 years later to represent GB in sitting volleyball. Most importantly he is proud parent to two sons Dylan and Harrison (due at the time of writing this!) with his wife Christina just South of London, UK. Each year Adam takes on just a handful of coaching clients from all over the world to achieve their success. If you want to connect with Adam visit www.AdamLewisWalker.com