Zbigniew “Zbyszek” Kabata was born in 1956 in Warsaw, Poland. He is an entrepreneur, marketing expert, consultant, international coach and mentor, professional speaker and founder of NetWealthTeam, building an empire of multiple income streams.
His father flew in Polish Airlines PLL LOT, the biggest airline company in Poland. He was a World War II veteran, flying on bombers. After the war, he worked with Polish Airlines PLL “LOT“ for 38 years. At that time, flying planes in PLL “LOT” was a very privileged job. His mother is a World War II veteran who took very good care of four children. The family earned more than average income, which ensured the children had a good education.
In 1975, Zbyszek attended the Maritime Academy in Gdynia. After his exams, he sailed on the famous sailing vessel “Dar Pomorza.” In 1979, he placed 4th in Poland in Judo in student competitions. In 1981, he graduated from the Maritime Academy in Szczecin with the title of M.Sc.Eng. in Maritime Navigation, but decided to stay abroad after graduation due to the introduction of Martial Law in his home country. During Martial Law in Poland, the only option was to stay abroad, so he lived in Holland for 30 years. At the age of 24, he had traveled to all the continents, including Antarctica.
From 1992 to 2011, Zbyszek worked with an American nutrition company as a distributor – building an international team in 24 countries on four continents. Between 2004 and 2008, he spent most of his time in Asia, living mostly in China, Malaysia and the Philippines. One of his happy memories in Asia was that he met his great friend, Mr. Lee – master of Korean martial arts and his personal trainer. Thanks to Mr. Lee, he learned Korean martial arts. In those days, he spent all the money which he had earned on vessels, but learnt a lot. The saying that best describes his experiences at that moment: “If you mess up, then mess up BIG – so you can learn a lot!”
He has a Dutch and Polish Captain’s license for sea-going vessels and speaks four languages fluently. Up to this point, he has visited 86 countries around the world.
His MISSION/VISION is to help as many people as possible around the world get what they want. At present, he is planning to go back to Asia while earning multiple income streams from any location on earth and live an abundant life. The biggest reason and inspiration for his need to earn a million dollars this year is to bring his mother back home. He believes in his heart that this book will open the doors of great possibility to help find his mother.
Zbigniew “Zbyszek” can show you: How you can easily build the wealth and success you desire. He said, “Your whole experience of living and working will never be the same again after I help you find your inner warrior and liberate the power hidden within you.”
If you want to ‘SKYROCKET’ YOUR BUSINESS, read his easy-to-read book and visit him online at:
Find out more about him at: www.ZbigniewKabata.com