Gary Martin Hays is not only a successful lawyer, but also a
recognized safety advocate who works tirelessly to educate our
children on issues ranging from bullying to Internet safety to abduction
prevention. Gary has been seen on 9 television stations,
including ABC, CBS, NBC and FOX affiliates. He has appeared
on over 108 radio stations, including the Georgia News Network,
discussing legal topics and providing safety tips to families. He currently hosts “Georgia
Behind The Scenes” on the CW Atlanta TV Network.
Gary graduated from Emory University in 1986 with a B.A. degree in Political Science
and a minor in Afro-American and African Studies. In 1989, he received his law degree
from the Walter F. George School of Law at Mercer University, Macon, Georgia. His
outstanding academic achievements landed him a position on Mercer’s Law Review.
He also served the school as Vice President of the Student Bar Association.
His legal accomplishments include being a member of the prestigious Million Dollar
Advocate’s Forum, a society limited to those attorneys who have received a settlement
or verdict of at least $1 million dollars. He has been recognized in Atlanta Magazine
as one of Georgia’s top workers’ compensation lawyers. Gary frequently lectures to
other attorneys in Georgia on continuing education topics. He has been recognized as
one of the Top 100 Trial Lawyers in Georgia since 2007 by the American Trial Lawyers
Association, and recognized by Lawdragon as one of the leading Plaintiffs’ Lawyers in
America. His firm specializes in personal injury, wrongful death, workers’ compensation,
and pharmaceutical claims. Since 1993, his firm has helped over 25,000 victims
and their families recover over $225 million dollars.
In 2008, Gary started the non-profit organization Keep Georgia Safe with the mission
to provide safety education and crime prevention training in Georgia. Keep Georgia
Safe has trained over 80 state and local law enforcement officers in CART (Child
Abduction Response Teams) so our first responders will know what to do in the event
a child is abducted in Georgia. Gary has completed Child Abduction Response Team
training with the National AMBER Alert program through the U.S. Department of Justice
and Fox Valley Technical College. He is a certified instructor in the radKIDS curriculum.
His law firm has given away 1,000 bicycle helmets and 14 college scholarships.
To learn more about Gary Martin Hays, visit www.GaryMartinHays.com. To find
out more about Keep Georgia Safe, please visit www.KeepGeorgiaSafe.org or call
(770) 934-8000.