Evan Farr is a certified elder law attorney and is widely
recognized as one of the nation’s leading experts in the
fields of Medicaid Asset Protection and Medicaid trusts.
Evan is the principal attorney of the Farr Law Firm, an elder
law firm serving Virginia, Maryland and Washington,
DC, and dedicated to helping protect seniors and their families by preserving
dignity, quality of life and financial security. Evan has been named by Virginia
Super Lawyers magazine as one of the top 5 percent of attorneys in Virginia
since 2007, and by Washington, DC, Super Lawyers magazine as one of the
top 5 percent of attorneys in DC since 2008. In 2011, Evan was named by
Washingtonian magazine as one of the top attorneys in the Washington, DC,
Metropolitan area, and was named in Newsweek magazine as one of the top
attorneys in the country.
A nationally known author and continuing legal education speaker, Evan Farr
has educated tens of thousands of attorneys across the country through
speaking and writing for numerous national legal organizations, including
ALI-ABA, the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, the National Business
Institute, and the National Constitution Center, as well as his own Elder
Law Institute for Training and Education (ELITE), through which he coaches
and trains other elder law attorneys around the country, providing them with
specialized software and practice-enhancement systems, such as the Living
Trust PlusTM Asset Protection System used by dozens of attorneys across the
nation. Evan is also a well-known public media figure, having been quoted
or cited as an elder law expert by the Washington Post, Newsweek magazine,
Northern Virginia Magazine, Trusts & Estates magazine, the American
Institute of Certified Public Accountants, and the American Bar Association,
and has appeared on television on PBS, MSNBC, Fox News, and CNN.
To learn more about Evan Farr, creator of the Living Trust PlusTM Asset Protection
Trust and to learn how you can legally and ethically protect you or
your client’s assets from nursing home expenses, visit the Living Trust PlusTM
website at www.LivingTrustPlus.com, the Farr Law Firm’s website at www.
FarrLawFirm.com, or call toll-free (800) 399-FARR.