Aaron Benes
Aaron began his career as a coach at the very young age of 14,
and has continued coaching a wide variety of clients ranging
from AYSO soccer players to college and professional athletes.
Having a strong thirst for knowledge and a desire to enhance the
lives of others, Aaron graduated with a BS in Kinesiology with
honors and then became a Certified Strength and Conditioning Coach with the NSCA.
Aaron is also a certified Sport Performance Coach (certified to coach Olympic style
weightlifting) under United States Weightlifting and a Functional Movement Systems
(FMS) and Corrective Exercise Specialist (Level 2). He continues to study under some
of the top strength, fitness, health and nutrition experts in the country.
Having spent the last decade being coached by and training with many world champions
in Power-lifting, Olympic weightlifting and professional Strongman, his under the
bar experience and knowledge is rather extensive. Along with his far-reaching knowledge
in the fitness industry, Aaron is also a Destination Coach (certified life coach) and
currently working on his doctorate in spiritual studies at Emerson University.
On a mental and spiritual level, Aaron’s diligence toward understanding the human
condition and human mind is rather apparent in his approach towards individually
addressing each and every person he works with. Several years ago, on a quest to
find inner peace and happiness, Aaron set out to heal his wounded heart. Having to
deal with issues of abandonment, anger, regret, his parent’s divorce, major conflicts,
trauma, and a broken heart, forced him to seek help outside of his field. In doing so,
he became not only a more compassionate person, but was so motivated by his own
personal transformation that he now employs the tools of his mentors. This journey
enabled him to see with compassion, listen with empathy and produce incredibly effective
and lasting change for his clients.
Aaron’s strong desire to help people become fit, healthy and happy is apparent in
the passion he puts into his work. His compassion and understanding for the human
spirit reveals itself in the manner in which he helps each client not only meet their
physical goals, but also grow mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
Aaron works with clients from all different backgrounds and believes in treating each
person as the unique individual they are. Every journey at Imagine If starts with an
initial Strategy Session and a Body Blueprint so that a customized program can be
written to address each individual’s particular needs. Each client receives a personalized
fitness program, nutritional counseling, and life coaching that reflect his or
her needs to accomplish their goals. The client’s progress at Imagine If is fueled by
the customized programs that adapt and grow as the client does. Because Aaron is
equipped with a wide variety of knowledge, he specializes in a holistic approach and
addresses each client on a physical, mental, and emotional level; essentially helping
them become their best self while allowing them to live the life of their dreams.
You can reach Aaron through his website: imagineiffitness.com or call (949)475-5555
or email: [email protected]. He is available for a variety of services including
fitness coaching, life coaching, nutritional counseling, consultations, speaking
engagements and workshops.